It is no use doing what you like ; you have got to like what you do .--Winston Churchill , British prime minister 不能愛哪行才幹哪行,要幹哪行愛哪行。﹝英國首相:丘吉爾


  • 318只自习生围观
  • 2014年4月22日 08:36打卡
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It is awfully easy to be hard-boiled about everything in the daytime, but at night it is another thing. --Hemingway 在白天對什麼都不動感情是極為容易的,但在夜晚就是另外一回事 - 多讀讀書,不分白天黑夜
Transgenic banana plants overexpressing a native plasma membrane aquaporin MusaPIP1;2 display high tolerance levels to different abiotic stresses - 当时对于题目,我翻译了半天。。。
do something right - 总有一天,我们会感激今天如此努力的自己
read the rest of So Good They Can't Ignore You BY Cal Newport (Part 1) - * plan: 6x50min Pomodoro , * actual: 6x5
Just solve the fucking problem!!! - 失眠、头晕、注意力不集中,每天都晕?除了一直抱怨,或是主动抑制抱怨。也是这是个生
Change,just do it! - 虽然没有安卓版,但是网页版也能满足我的需求!很喜欢社区给我的感觉,每个人都在努力
tabular to function approxy - reinformance learning. 难道这就是老子说的,圣人不远行,知
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Make progress everyday. - 做想要成为的自己,但愿一切不算太晚。明年召教一定要过,不再让妈咪失望着急,你把人
Life is too short to play! - 人生苦短,我已经没有多少时间来追赶富二代,官二代,一定要做最强大的自己
Tis better to have fought and lost,Than never to have fought at all. 戰而敗,畢竟勝於不戰而降 - 努力不一定會成功,不努力一定不會成功。



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